Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is to have paradise on Earth {again}. For us, that means living together rooted in natural, healthy, heart-centered connections with ourselves and each other [that includes plants, animals and ‘our’ planet Earth], including all our differences, frictions and conflicts.

Our mission goals are …

1) Increase awareness of the scientific evidence that warrants a dedicated investigation of the idea that the human heart is not solely 'a pump'. 

2) Ignite a cross-cultural, inter-disciplinary discussion about the purpose and function of the human hearts.

3) Inspire people to explore their potential with the HeartWaves™ lifestyle {‘follow your heart & find your rhythm’™}.

4) Spread the knowledge of the Chestahedron, nature’s blueprint for the human heart.

5) Illustrate and invite everyone to explore the connection between their Heart and Earth. 

6) Encourage teachers and coaches to implement easy-to-use, no-cost approaches to increase the heart connection with and between their students and Earth.

7) Help people discover, track and predict their emotional and other cycles to live in harmony with the heartbeats of Earth and Life.

8) Introduce a theory of life that reunites materialistic and spiritual worldviews based a new definition of the heart and emotions.

9) Collect, preserve, and present indigenous and ancient knowledge and wisdom about our hearts and the rhythms of life from around the world.‍