Inspiration & Research

For journalists, researchers, and the curious, here are resources to dive deeper into the topics of the film and understand why the human heart is at the center of a looming cross-cultural, scientific, spiritual and social revolution that could guide the future of humanity.


Branco Furst | The Heart and Circulation: An Integrative Model

Thomas Cowan | Human Heart, Cosmic Heart

Wendy Anne McCarty | Welcoming Counsousness

Doc Childre, Howard Martin, et al. | The Heartmath Solution

Doc Childre, Howard Martin, et al. | Heart Intelligence:

Anita Moorjani | Dying to Be Me

Gerald Pollack | The Fourth Phase of Water

Kabir Helminski | The Knowing Heart

Eknath Easwaran | The Upanishads

Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega | The Triadic Heart of Siva

Peter Granger | Connected Hearts

Douglas Gabriel | The Human Heart

Seth T. Miller | A New Sacred Geometry

Rudolf Steiner | Heart Thinking

Stephen Harold Buhner | Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature

Daniel Stacey Barron | Enheartenment

Richard W. Heinberg | Memories and Visions of Paradise

Reinhard Flatischler | Taketina

Roger Lewin | Making Waves

Stephen J. Puetz, Glenn Borchardt | Universal Cycle Theory

Irving Dardik, Estee Dardik Lichter | The Nature of Nature


The Ancient Wisdom at Intersection with Modern Cardiac Sciences
A Alabdulgader
Special issue. submitted to Heart and Mind Journal

Quantum Consciousness and the Heart Based Resonant Frequencies Theory
AA Abdulgader
Archives in Neurology & Neuroscience 9 (3), 1-10

Synchronization of human autonomic nervous system rhythms with geomagnetic activity in human subjects
R McCraty, M Atkinson, V Stolc, AA Alabdulgader, A Vainoras, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (7), 770

Long-term study of heart rate variability responses to changes in the solar and geomagnetic environment
A Alabdulgader, R McCraty, M Atkinson, Y Dobyns, A Vainoras, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2663

Coherence: a novel nonpharmacological modality for lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients
AA Alabdulgader
Global advances in health and medicine 1 (2), 56-64

Time structures (chronomes) of the blood circulation, populations' health, human affairs and space weather
F Halberg, G Cornélissen, R McCraty, J Czaplicki, AA Al-Abdulgader
World Heart Journal 3 (1), 73

Human heart rhythm sensitivity to earth local magnetic field fluctuations
A Alabdulgade, R Maccraty, M Atkinson, A Vainoras, K Berškienė, ...
Journal of Vibroengineering 17 (6), 3271-3278

Identification of a group’s physiological synchronization with earth’s magnetic field
I Timofejeva, R McCraty, M Atkinson, R Joffe, A Vainoras, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (9), 998

The influence of heart coherence on synchronization between human heart rate variability and geomagnetic activity
R McCraty, M Atkinson, I Timofejeva, R Joffe, A Vainoras, M Landauskas, ...
Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences 1 (2), 42-48

Global study of human heart rhythm synchronization with the earth’s time varying magnetic field
I Timofejeva, R McCraty, M Atkinson, AA Alabdulgader, A Vainoras, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 2935

Consciousness, the human heart and the global energetic field environment
R McCraty, A Alabdulgader
Cardiol. Vasc. Res 5, 1-19

Space and Human Consciousness: The Great Whisper
AA Alabdulgader
Natural Science 13 (7), 235-253

The human heart rate variability; Neurobiology of psychophysiological well being and planetary resonance
AA Alabdulgader
Gen. Int. Med. Clin. Innov 2

Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment [Internet]. Nature News
A Alabdulgader, R McCraty, M Atkinson, Y Dobyns, A Vainoras, ...
Nature Publishing Group

The Variation of Geometrical Shapes of Reconstructed Attractors of HRV Data Before, During and After the Heart Lock-In® Experiment
I Timofejeva, A Alabdulgader, A Vainoras
Cardiol Vasc Res 5 (1), 1-4

Human Consciousness: The Universal Heart Based Resonant Frequencies and the Massive ecosystems Hierarchy. 9 (2): 2020
AA Abdullah
ANN. MS. ID 709

We’ll add many more soon.